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Publications (JCR)


-Marín-Miranda, M.J. Fra-Paleo, U., Redweik, P. and Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á. (2024). "An ontology to describe the damage process to built cultural heritage triggered by earthquakes. The CHEDO model". Journal of Cultural Heritage 71, 114-126.

-Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á., Sánchez-Fernández, M., de Sanjosé-Blasco, J.J. et al. Is it possible to generate accurate 3D point clouds with UAS-LIDAR and UAS-RGB photogrammetry without GCPs? A case study on a beach and rocky cliff. Landscape Ecology 39, 191 (2024).

-Castaño-Martín, Francisco Manuel, Álvaro Gómez-Gutiérrez, and Manuel Pulido-Fernández. 2024. "Modelling Water Availability in Livestock Ponds by Remote Sensing: Enhancing Management in Iberian Agrosilvopastoral Systems" Remote Sensing 16, no. 17: 3257.

-Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á. & Pérez-Peña, J.V. (2024). "Quantifying Landscape Evolution and Erosion by Remote Sensing" Remote Sensing 16(6):968.

-Serrano, E., de Sanjosé, J.J., Gómez-Lende, M., Sánchez-Fernández, M. and Á. Gómez-Gutiérrez (2024). "Coastal retreat and sea-cliff dynamic on the North Atlantic coast (Gerra Beach, Cantabrian Coast, Spain)" Environmental Earth Sciences 83 (3): 89.



-Gudino-Elizondo, N., M. W. Brand, T. W. Biggs, A. Hinojosa-Corona, Á. Gómez-Gutiérrez, E. Langendoen, R. Bingner, Y. Yuan and B. F. Sanders (2022). "Rapid assessment of abrupt urban mega-gully and landslide events with structure-from-motion photogrammetric techniques validates link to water resources infrastructure failures in an urban periphery." Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 22(2): 523-538.


-Alfonso-Torreño, A., S. Schnabel, Á. Gómez-Gutiérrez, S. Crema and M. Cavalli (2022). "Effects of gully control measures on sediment yield and connectivity in wooded rangelands." CATENA 214: 106259.



-Conoscenti, C., Martinello, C., Alfonso-Torreño, A. and Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á., 2021. Predicting sediment deposition rate in check-dams using machine learning techniques and high-resolution DEMs. Environ Earth Sci 80, 380 (2021).

-G. Gonçalves, D. Gonçalves, Á. Gómez-Gutiérrez, U. Andriolo and J. A. Pérez-Alvárez, 2021. 3D Reconstruction of Coastal Cliffs from Fixed-Wing and Multi-Rotor UAS: Impact of SfM-MVS Processing Parameters, Image Redundancy and Acquisition Geometry, Remote Sensing, Vol. 13 Issue 6 Pages 1222

-Marín-Comitre, Ubaldo, Álvaro Gómez-Gutiérrez, Francisco Lavado-Contador, Manuel Sánchez-Fernández, and Alberto Alfonso-Torreño. 2021. "Using Geomatic Techniques to Estimate Volume–Area Relationships of Watering Ponds" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10, no. 8: 502.

-Alfonso-Torreño, A., Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á. and S. Schnabel, 2021. Dynamics of erosion and deposition in a partially restored valley-bottom gully. Land 10 (1),

-González-Campelo, D., M. Fernández-Raga, Á. Gómez-Gutiérrez, M. I. Guerra-Romero and J. M. González-Domínguez (2021). "Extraordinary Protective Efficacy of Graphene Oxide over the Stone-Based Cultural Heritage." Advanced Materials Interfaces 8(23): 2101012.



-Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á., Biggs, T., Gudino-Elizondo, N., Errea, P., Alonso-González, E., Nadal-Romero, E. and J.J. de Sanjosé Blasco, 2020. Using visibility analysis to improve point density and processing time of SfM-MVS techniques for 3D reconstruction of landforms, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,


-Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á. and G. Rito-Gonçalves, 2020. Surveying coastal cliffs using two UAV platforms (multi-rotor and fixed-wing) and three different approaches for the estimation of volumetric changes. International Journal of Remote Sensing,

-Conesa-García, C., Pérez-Cutillas, P. García-Lorenzo, R., Eekhout, J., Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á., Millares, A. and Martínez-Salvador, A., 2020. Dimensionless morphological ratios versus stream power variations at bankfull stage in an ephemeral channel. Geomorphology 361,

-Fernández, Manuel Pulido, Keshavarzi, Ali, Rodrigo-Comino, Jesús, Schnabel, Susanne, Contador, Joaquín Francisco Lavado, Gutiérrez, Álvaro Gómez, Parra, Francisco Javier Lozano, González, Jesús Barrena, Torreño, Alberto Alfonso, & Cerdà, Artemi. (2020). Developing scoring functions to assess soil quality at a regional scale in rangelands of SW Spain. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 44, 2020.

-Peña-Angulo D, Nadal-Romero E, González-Hidalgo JC, Albaladejo J, Andreu V, Barhi H, Bernal S, Biddoccu M, Bienes R, Campo J, Campo-Bescós MA, Canatário-Duarte A, Cantón Y, Casali J, Castillo V, Cavallo E, Cerdà A, Cid P, Cortesi N, Desir G, Díaz-Pereira E, Espigares T, Estrany J, Farguell J, Fernández-Raga M, Ferreira CS, Ferro V, Gallart F, Giménez R, Gimeno E, Gómez JA, Gómez-Gutiérrez A, Gómez-Macpherson H, González-Pelayo O, Kairis O, Karatzas GP, Keesstra S, Klotz S, Kosmas C, Lana-Renault N, Lasanta T, Latron J, Lázaro R, Le Bissonnais Y, Le Bouteiller C, Licciardello F, López-Tarazón JA, Lucía A, Marín-Moreno VM, Marín C, Marqués MJ, Martínez-Fernández J, Martínez-Mena M, Mateos L, Mathys N, Merino-Martín L, Moreno-de las Heras M, Moustakas N, Nicolau JM, Pampalone V, Raclot D, Rodríguez-Blanco ML, Rodrigo-Comino J, Romero-Díaz A, Ruiz-Sinoga JD, Rubio JL, Schnabel S, Senciales-González JM, Solé-Benet A, Taguas EV, Taboada-Castro MT, Taboada-Castro MM, Todisco F, Úbeda X, Varouchakis EA, Wittenberg L, Zabaleta A, Zorn M. 2020. Relationship of Weather Types on the Seasonal and Spatial Variability of Rainfall, Runoff, and Sediment Yield in the Western Mediterranean Basin. Atmosphere 11: 609. DOI: 10.3390/atmos11060609


-Alfonso-Torreño, A., Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á., Schnabel, S., Lavado Contador, J. F., de Sanjosé Blasco, J. J., & Sánchez Fernández, M. (2019). sUAS, SfM-MVS photogrammetry and a topographic algorithm method to quantify the volume of sediments retained in check-dams. Science of The Total Environment, 678, 369-382. doi:

-Rubio‐Delgado, J., Schnabel, S., Gómez‐Gutiérrez, Á., and Lavado‐Contador, J. F. ( 2019) Temporal and spatial variation of soil erosion in wooded rangelands of southwest Spain. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms,


-Serrano, E., Sanjosé, J. J., Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á., & Gómez-Lende, M. (2019). Surface movement and cascade processes on debris cones in temperate high mountain (Picos de Europa, northern Spain). Science of The Total Environment, 649, 1323-1337. doi:

-Peña-Angulo, D., E. Nadal-Romero, J. C. González-Hidalgo, J. Albaladejo, V. Andreu, V. Bagarello, H. Barhi, R. J. Batalla, S. Bernal, R. Bienes, J. Campo, M. A. Campo-Bescós, A. Canatario-Duarte, Y. Cantón, J. Casali, V. Castillo, A. Cerdà, A. Cheggour, P. Cid, N. Cortesi, G. Desir, E. Díaz-Pereira, T. Espigares, J. Estrany, M. Fernández-Raga, C. S. S. Ferreira, V. Ferro, F. Gallart, R. Giménez, E. Gimeno, J. A. Gómez, A. Gómez-Gutiérrez, H. Gómez-Macpherson, O. González-Pelayo, P. Hueso-González, O. Kairis, G. P. Karatzas, S. Klotz, C. Kosmas, N. Lana-Renault, T. Lasanta, J. Latron, R. Lázaro, Y. Le Bissonnais, C. Le Bouteiller, F. Licciardello, J. A. López-Tarazón, A. Lucía, C. Marín, M. J. Marqués, J. Martínez-Fernández, M. Martínez-Mena, J. F. Martínez-Murillo, L. Mateos, N. Mathys, L. Merino-Martín, M. Moreno-de las Heras, N. Moustakas, J. M. Nicolau, A. Novara, V. Pampalone, D. Raclot, M. L. Rodríguez-Blanco, J. Rodrigo-Comino, A. Romero-Díaz, E. Roose, J. L. Rubio, J. D. Ruiz-Sinoga, S. Schnabel, J. M. Senciales-González, V. Simonneaux, A. Solé-Benet, E. V. Taguas, M. M. Taboada-Castro, M. T. Taboada-Castro, F. Todisco, X. Úbeda, E. A. Varouchakis, D. Vericat, L. Wittenberg, A. Zabaleta and M. Zorn (2019). "Spatial variability of the relationships of runoff and sediment yield with weather types throughout the Mediterranean basin." Journal of Hydrology 571: 390-405,


-Gómez Gutiérrez, Á., Schnabel, S., Lavado Contador, F., Sanjose, J. J., Atkinson, A. D. J., Pulido Fernandez, M., et al. (2018). Studying the influence of livestock pressure on gully erosion in rangelands of SW Spain by means of the UAV+SfM workflow. Boletin De La Asociacion De Geografos Espanoles, 78, 66-88. doi:


-Lozano‐Parra, J, Schnabel, S, Pulido, M, Gómez‐Gutiérrez, Á, Lavado‐Contador, F. Effects of soil moisture and vegetation cover on biomass growth in water‐limited environments. Land Degrad Dev. 2018; 29: 4405– 4414.


-Rubio-Delgado, J., Schnabel, S., Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á., & Sánchez-Fernández, M. (2018). Estimation of soil erosion rates in dehesas using the inflection point of holm oaks. Catena, 166, 56-67. doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2018.03.017



-Rubio-Delgado, J., Guillén, J., Corbacho, J.A., Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á. Baeza, A., Schnabel, S. Comparison of two methodologies used to estimate erosion rates in Mediterranean ecosystems: 137Cs and exposed tree roots. Science of the Total Environment, 605-606: 541-550.

-Herguido Sevillano, E., Lavado Contador, F.J., Gómez Gutiérrez, Á. and S. Schnabel, 2017. Modelling tree loss vs. tree recruitment processes in SW Iberian rangelands as influenced by topography and land use and management. Land Degradation & Development, 28: 1652-1664.

-Pulido Fernández, M., Schabel, S., Lavado Contador, F.J., Lozano Parra, J., and Á. Gómez Gutiérrez, 2017. Selecting indicators for assessing soil quality and degradation in rangelands of Extremadura (SW Spain). Ecological Indicators. Ecological Indicators, 74, 49-61.

-Pulido, M. Schnabel, S., Lavado-Contador, J.F., Lozano-Parra, J., Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á., Brevick, E. and A. Cerdà, 2017. Reduction of the frequency of herbaceous roots as an effect of soil compaction induced by heavy grazing in rangelands of SW Spain. Catena, 158: 381-389.


-N.A. Caraballo-Arias, C. Conoscenti, C. Di Stefano, V. Ferro, A. Gomez-Gutierrez. Morphometric and hydraulic geometry assessment of a gully in SW Spain. Geomorphology, 274, 143-151, DOI:



-Lozano Parra, J. SN. L. M. B van Schaik, S. Schnabel, A. Gomez-Gutierrez. Soil moisture dynamics at high temporal resolution in a semiarid mediterranean watershed with scattered tree cover. Hydrological Processes, 30 (8), 1155-1170, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10694.


-Gómez Gutiérrez, Á., de Sanjosé-Blasco, Lozano Parra, J., Berenguer Sempere, F. and J. de Matías Bejarano, 2015. Does HDR Pre-Processing Improve the Accuracy of 3D Models Obtained by Means of two Conventional SfM-MVS Software Packages? The Case of the Corral del Veleta Rock Glacier. Remote Sensing 7(8), 10269-10294.


-Á. Gómez Gutiérrez, C. Conoscenti, S.E. Angileri, E. Rotigliano & S. Schnabel, 2015. Using topographical attributes to evaluate gully erosion proneness (susceptibility) in two mediterranean basins: advantages and limitations. Natural Hazards, 79 (1): 291-314, DOI 10.1007/s11069-015-1703-0.


-C. Conoscenti, M. Ciaccio, N.A. Caraballo-Arias, Á. Gómez-Gutiérrez, E. Rotigliano and V. Agnesi, 2015, Assessment of susceptibility to eart-flow landslide using logistic regression and multivariate adaptive regression splines: A case of the Belice River basin (western Sicily, Italy). Geomorphology, 242: 49-64,




-Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á.; Schnabel, S.; Berenguer-Sempere, F.; Lavado-Contador, F.; Rubio-Delgado, J. Using 3d photo-reconstruction methods to estimate gully headcut erosion. Catena 2014, 120, 91-101.


-Gómez Gutiérrez, Á.; De Sanjosé, J.J.; de Matías-Bejarano, J.; Berenguer-Sempere, F. Comparing two photo-reconstruction methods to produce high density point clouds and dems in the corral del veleta rock glacier (sierra nevada, spain). Remote Sensing 2014, 6, 5407-5427.





-Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á. Schnabel, S., Sanjosé, J.J. and F. Lavado Contador, 2012. Exploring the relationships between gully erosion and hydrology in rangelands of SW Spain. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 56: 27-44.




-Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á. Schnabel, S. y F. Lavado Contador, 2011. Procesos, factores y consecuencias de la erosión por cárcavas, trabajos desarrollados en la Península Ibérica. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 55: 59-80.




-Lavado Contador, F., Schnabel, S., Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á. y M. Pulido Fernández, 2010. Sensibilidad ambiental a la degradación de Extremadura (España). Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 53: 147-164.




-Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á., Schnabel, S. and F. Lavado Contador, 2009. Gully erosion, land use and topographical thresholds during the last 60 years in a small rangeland catchment in SW Spain. Land Degradation and Development, 20: 535-550.


-Gómez Gutiérrez, Á., Schnabel, S. and A.M. Felicísimo, 2009. Modelling the occurrence of gullies in rangelands of SW Spain. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 34 (14): 1893-1902.


-Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á., Schnabel, S. and F. Lavado Contador, 2009. Using and comparing two nonparametric methods (CART and MARS) to model the potential distribution of gullies. Ecological Modelling, 220 (24): 3630-3637.


-Lavado Contador, F., Schnabel, S., Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á. and M. Pulido Fernández, 2009. Mapping sensitivity to land degradation in Extremadura, SW Spain. Land Degradation and Development, 20: 129-144.


-S. Schnabel y Á. Gómez Gutiérrez, 2014. Avances de la Geomorfología en España: 2012-2014. Asociación Profesional para la Ordenación del Territorio, el Ambiente y el Desarrollo Sostenible Fundicotex, 607 pág.


-S. Schnabel, F.J. Lavado Contador, Á. Gómez Gutiérrez y R. García Marín, 2010. Aportaciones a la Geografía Física de Extremadura: con especial referencia a las dehesas.Asociación Profesional para la Ordenación del Territorio, el Ambiente y el Desarrollo Sostenible Fundicotex, 257 pág.









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